Journal Editor

  1. 中国《物联网学报》期刊青年编委

  2. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

  3. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters

  4. IEEE ACCESS Journal (Associate editor, 2016-2019)

Conference Services:

Conference/Symposium Chairs

  1. IEEE GLOBECOM 2025 Symposium Co-Chair of Wireless Communications Track.

  2. IEEE ICCC 2024 Symposium Co-Chair of Cloud and Edge Computing

  3. WOCC 2022 Conference General Vice Chair

  4. IEEE GLOBECOM 2019 Symposium Chair of Smart Grid Communications Track.

  5. IEEE ICCS 2018, Special Session Co-chair in “Massive Data Processing in 5G Wireless Networks”

  6. EAI International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Communications (MLICOM) 2018 in Green Communications.

TPC Member

  1. IEEE Globecom 2020, 2019, 2018

  2. IEEE ICC 2020,2019,2018

  3. IEEE SmartGridComm 2019

  4. IEEE ICCS 2016

  5. IEEE WCNC 2019,2018

  6. IEEE VTC 2015,2014