Dr. Suzhi Bi (毕宿志) Homepage

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Professor, Ph.D, SM IEEE

College of Electronics and Information Engineering
Shenzhen University
Nanhai Ave. 3688
Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China, 518060
Email: bsz at szu.edu.cn

[Google Scholar Profile]


About me

I am now a Professor with Shenzhen University. I have previously worked as a postdoc research fellow at National University of Singapore (2013-15), received the PhD degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2013) and bachelor degree from the Chu Kochen Honors College, Zhejiang University (2009). I am also serving as an editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. My major research interests include performance analysis and optimization of wireless communication networks, with particular focus on the energy efficiency of wireless devices in communicating, sensing and computing. Out of the research works I have contributed, some have received best paper awards in IEEE journal and conferences.


My current research interests include:

  • AI-driven wireless communications and networks

  • Edge computing and intelligence

  • Integrated wireless communication and sensing

See Publications.


(2024.1.5): One Postdoc research fellow position is available on optimization and data-driven approach for wireless communication. The annual salary starts from 350K CNY plus bonus and benefit. Interested candidate please send your resume and up to 5 representative publications to my email.

(博士后职位空缺1名): 非常欢迎在无线通信领域有扎实优化与机器学习研究基础的博士毕业生加入研究团队,共同从事前沿的通信技术研究工作!博士后综合年薪35万元以上,并享受深大配套个人和家属福利和落户政策。还可申请深圳大学优秀博士后人才培养计划,获得额外入站出站奖励。请将个人简历和5篇以内代表作发送到我的邮箱,我会及时回复。


  • 2024.7.13: Our paper “Lyapunov-guided deep reinforcement learning for stable online computation offloading in mobile-edge computing networks” published in IEEE TWC 2021 is listed as a ESI highly cited paper .

  • 2024.5.13: Our paper “Joint optimization of service caching placement and computation offloading in mobile edge computing systems” published in IEEE TWC 2020 is listed as a ESI highly cited paper .

  • 2024.3.29: I am listed as a ‘‘2023 Higly Cited Chinese Researcher" by Elsevier in the area of Information and Communications Engineering.

  • 2024.1.8: I am appointed as a Full Professor of the College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Shenzhen University.

  • 2023.3.28: I am listed as a ‘‘2022 Higly Cited Chinese Researcher" by Elsevier in the area of Information and Communications Engineering.

  • 2022.8.12:Our paper “Two-tier multi-access partial computation offloading via NOMA: a hybrid deep learning approach for energy minimization” received WOCC 2022 Charles Kao Best Paper Award.

  • 2022.6.20:Our paper “A fairness-tunable strategy for intelligent energy balancing in UAV-IoT systems” received IEEE VTC 2022-Spring Best Paper Award.

  • 2022.4.14: I am listed as a ‘‘2021 Higly Cited Chinese Researcher“ by Elsevier in the area of Information and Communications Engineering. - 2022.2.1: Our paper ”Deep reinforcement learning with communication transformer for adaptive live streaming in wireless edge networks“ is recommned by Prof. Petar Popovski, the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE JSAC, to the ever first issue of Blog on Selected Ideas in Communications.

  • 2021.12.7: Our paper “Computation rate maximization for wireless powered mobile-edge computing with binary computation offloading” received 2021 the 10th IEEE Communications Society Asia-Pacific Outstanding Paper Award , in the 2021 Globecom APB Online Meeting.

  • 2021.11.24: Our paper “Deep reinforcement learning for online computation offloading in wireless powered mobile-edge computing networks” was selected by IEEE Computer Magazine (Dec. 2021 Issue) as a “Spotlight on Transactions” and recommended in the featured article “DROO: Integrated Learning and Optimization for Edge Computing Offloading” by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Editor in Chief Prof. Qian Zhang.

  • 2021.11.18: Our paper “Computation rate maximization for wireless powered mobile-edge computing with binary computation offloading” received 2021 Shenzhen Science and Technology Association Outstanding Paper Award.

  • 2021.11.1:I received the Shenzhen Univesity Outstanding Young Faculty Award.

  • 2021.7.30:Our paper “Online cognitive data sensing and processing optimization in energy-harvesting edge computing systems” received IEEE/CIC ICCC 2021 Best Paper Award.